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Love and Loss: Motherhoods Deepest Tragedy

I've debated on making this post for a long time for very obvious reasons. I don't have firsthand experience (thankfully); nor do I have any solid words of wisdom or advice---because no words could ever describe how you're feeling or make up for the gut-wrenching losses you've endured. I'm not here to say, "It will get better with time" because, in all honesty, time doesn't always heal a broken heart. It doesn't replace the child you loved unconditionally, nurtured daily, or poured your heart and soul into. My hope is that, by writing this, I spread awareness to those who think they understand and to let you know that it is ok to grieve your own way.  I read a quote by Nathalie Himmelrich the other day and it stuck with me. It read, "There is no right way to grieve; there is only your way to grieve and that is different for everyone." Seems pretty basic and simple, right? Then why is it so hard for us outsiders to understand that sometime

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