
Photo by: Jada at Glasser Images

Allow me to introduce myself! My name is Shawnee Unruh, and I am a full-time, stay-at-home mom. I have always had a passion for writing; but was too nervous to officially put my thoughts out there! In high school, I was enrolled in Journalism; where I wrote and edited our school newspaper and yearbook. I had so much fun, but once I got to college, life got busy and I didn't get the chance to pursue my writing. I thought I had nothing relatable to write about---until now. On November 18, 2021, my boyfriend and I welcomed our beautiful, precious baby girl into this world. Since then, we have endured several life-changing events. I quit my job to stay home with our daughter; and, in May of 2022, we decided to pack up and move from North Dakota to Utah. We had 3 weeks to pack and a 13 hour drive ahead of us. Crazy, right!?!?! But it was worth it! 

We are fortunate enough to be raising our daughter in the exact same house that her father grew up in. So far, we are enjoying Utah and just trying to adapt. The winters sure are warmer---so that's a plus! Don't get me wrong, I miss my North Dakota people, but I love getting to experience new things. In my spare time, I enjoy traveling, writing (obviously), watching and playing sports, and exercising. These hobbies are my escape and allow me to express myself freely. They also help me manage my mental and emotional health. 
Even though a lot has changed, and my mind is always racing, I love getting to build this life with my little family! Mom life has officially given me something relatable to write about. With that being said, I invite you to come with me along life's greatest adventures and lessons through my blog. I hope you find this helpful and encouraging. Thank you all for your support! 


My Favorite Things!

Unleashing my creativity and working out!
Leaving home has made me explore new hobbies. Within the last year,
I have developed a love for crafting, jewelry making, amateur photography
(I mean, I certainly do have a cute model for practice!) and doing makeup.
Through these hobbies, I can express myself freely and have fun.In addition to these hobbies,
exercise has become a staple for stress relief and managing my mental health.
I am feeling better and definitely more comfortable in my own skin!

Traveling and Exploring New Things!
From a 16-mile hike in Zion National Park to whitewater rafting in Cascade, Idaho,
I have enjoyed expanding my horizons and learning new things. Stepping outside
my comfort zone has been extremely eye-opening and so fun! So far, Stormee
has been to 9 states and even got to feed a giraffe in person in Virginia!
I've been to 14 different states and can't wait to see more! Hopefully,
one day, we can step outside the United States and explore some more.

Spending time with family and friends!
Where would I be without my village?
WHO would I be without my village?
Seriously though....these are my people!
And I love them to the ends of the Earth.
They are my rock, my light, and my joy. 
They are the ones who made me who I am 
and I could not be more thankful.


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