An Open Letter to My Boyfriend

Photo By: SimplyShelbyByBailie

Dear Riley,

I know you aren't typically one for public praise and mushy social media posts, but that doesn't mean I can't share my appreciation for you with the world around us. Sure, there are times where you push my buttons, test my patience, or take the joke too far, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Why? Because, truth be told, you are a jack of all trades--or what you would call a 'trophy-boyfriend'. 

Don't let that last sentence go to your head. You still can be a stubborn pain in the butt, but you are MY pain in the butt. All jokes aside, I'm happy that you are a part of my life. Throughout the last four years, we have grown so much together; and I have learned so much about myself and this crazy thing we call life. So, without further ado, here are just a few of the many reasons why I'm grateful for you and the life we've built so far. 

1. You Are Hard-Working

I'll be honest, the lifestyle that comes along with your line of work isn't always an easy one, but it's worth it. I know I complain about you being gone, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the sacrifices you make so that I can stay home with our daughter. Sure, it would be nice to have you home every night, but the distance does make me have a stronger appreciation for the time we do get to have together. 

Every day you put in long, grueling hours at a physically demanding job just so Stormee can have a roof over her head, toys to play with, food to fill her tummy, and a comfy bed to rest her head at night.  You spend countless nights in hotels and campgrounds in unfamiliar territory to ensure our well-being. Whether you're working in the blistering cold or the sweltering heat, you never complain because you know that with high risk comes a great reward. Sometimes that reward is a fun vacation...and other times it's as simple as a home-cooked meal and a movie night from the comfort of our own living room. Eith way...thank you.

2. You Accept Me for Who I Am

As cheesy and cliche as it's also true. It's not easy living with someone who is as high-strung as I am. Amidst the journey of motherhood, there's bound to be anxiety attacks; but nonetheless, you are my rock through it all. When I was learning how to gain confidence in myself as a person, there you were. Whenever I began a new job, there you were. When I struggled with the transition into motherhood, there you were. And, even when I struggle with self-deprecating thoughts and question my ability to be a good mom...well, here you are. 

Since day one, you have accepted me for my flaws. Not even my bad jokes, blonde moments, and occasional mood swings can push you away (and I'm so thankful that it doesn't). Your patience is something to be admired; and your easy-going demeanor is impeccable. Thank you for being you and for loving me as a I am.

3. You Don't Take Life Too Seriously

Even though I love you dearly, I am a bit jealous of this particular trait that you possess. As you know, I have a tendency to take life too seriously. I worry more about what other people think of me a little too much; and I beat myself up for the mistakes I make. But, just when I need it the most, you remind me that it's ok to laugh and live freely without a fear of judgement. 

4. You Have an Adventurous Side

Before I met you, my adventures were pretty much confined to the North Dakota state borders. Since meeting you, I have tried and explored several new places. From the first-time hiking in the Zions, to whitewater rafting through the waters of Cascade, Idaho, I have uncovered a new love for adventure, and I owe that discovery to you. 

It makes me happy to know that Stormee will have the privilege to try new things and explore new places with her father as she grows older. In fact, she has already been on several fun escapades in her first two years of life. She's already been to ten different states, and I cannot wait to show her more. 

5. You Fit in with My Family

Growing up, this particular point was a make or break for me. You see, my family and friends were there for me before any boy was and I wasn't about to alter my standards for just anyone. My family is full of sarcasm, smartass jokes, and some quirks, but they are the ones who formed me into the person I am today. Thankfully you understood that from the get-go. 

You officially met my family over Easter weekend four years ago; and when I say my family, I don't just mean my parents and brother... I mean my whole family. You spent the holiday weekend with my mom's side and then proceeded to meet my dad's side...and you didn't run away. Instead, you sat down grabbed a beer and joined in on the jokes and games as if you had known them your whole life. To most, that would be overwhelming, but you stuck through it and look at where it got you now. Looks like you're stuck with me forever because...well let's just say it would break more hearts than mine if you left.

6. You Support/Respect My Decisions

In addition to accepting me for who I am, you support my decisions. This realization hit hard when I was pregnant with Stormee. During pregnancy, as with parenthood, there are tons of decisions to be made; and, well, I feel like you and I have become very good at making decisions that best fit our family's needs. 

For example, you supported my decision to quit my job and become a stay-at-home mom. After long discussions and weighing the options, we made this difficult decision, and I don't regret it. There are times where guilt rears its ugly head at me because I'd love to contribute more financially, but in the long run, I will be so happy I got to enjoy the first few years of Stormee's life watching her hit her milestones. Each day you remind me how much I contribute to her growth and that making memories is more important than making money.

7. You Are a Fantastic Father to Stormee

And last, but simply not least, you are a fantastic dad to our baby girl. Seriously, she is such a daddy's girl and loves you endlessly. You make her feel like the most important girl in the world. You have taught her to set her standards high and set the example for how a guy should treat her one day. To her, you are perfect (I mean she even laughs at your dad jokes).

She has your sense of humor, your confidence, and your quick wit; and I hope that someday she has your work ethic and fearless mindset. (Even if it means that I'll have grey hair before I'm 40). With you as her father she has the ability to take the world by Storm...literally. You are the perfect fit to be her daddy and it couldn't be more apparent. You two are like two peas in a pod and she is one lucky girl to have you in her life. Thank you for being a wonderful daddy to her.

I could go on and on about your great ability as a dad, but let's be honest, you have enough confidence to cover for the both of us. ;) I'm sure you'll read this post and add your two cents on all the points I didn't emphasize, but I narrowed it down to seven for my readers' sake ;) All jokes aside, you came into my life at the perfect time. You aren't the sole purpose of my happiness (because we have a beautiful little girl to carry part of the weight), but you definitely add to it. Thank you for loving me and Stormee through the ups and downs. There's no one else on Earth that I'd rather build a life with. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us; but for now, I'll settle for the present.


The Best Girlfriend Ever


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