A Letter to My Grandpa in Heaven

It's been seventeen years since the last time I saw you. To say that I miss you would be an understatement. I looked up to you for many reasons----your dedication to the ranch and your family, your hard-working, can-do personality, and your loyalty to your friends were un-matched. You set a wonderful example of what it was like to live your life and be proud of where you came from. There were so many milestones I looked forward to celebrating with you, here, on this Earth; but, unfortunately, God had other plans. We missed out on so much together---so, I would like to catch you up to speed on how life has played out since I saw you last. 

I was about nine years old when you passed away. Since then, I've grown up quite a bit. In 2014, I graduated, with honors, from high school. I went on to attend the University of Mary in Bismarck, North Dakota---where I got to experience some pretty great things. I held an internship for the new indoor football team; where I got the chance to work with several designers to create merchandise and the team's mascot. There were some highs and lows during my time as an intern, but the experience taught me many valuable life lessons. 

During my senior year, I got the opportunity of a lifetime when my classmates and I got to work SuperBowl 52 in Minneapolis, MN. During one of our many trips to the cities for training, I got to visit US Bank Stadium and watch the Minnesota Vikings play the New Orleans Saints. It reminded me of you since you had always been a Vikings fan!

Soon after, we made the final trip to the cities to work in the blistering cold. It was negative twenty-three degrees and we stood outside directing media personnel to their respective areas. Through this, I learned a lot about time management, organization, travel coordination, and how to be grateful for the opportunities life throws your way.

In 2018, I received my Bachelor's degree in Sport and Entertainment Management. It was such a great feeling to finally walk across that stage for the final time knowing that all my hard work and studying paid off. The whole family was there to celebrate; and I wish you could have been there too. I am thankful to have gained so much from my college experience. Not only did I work the SuperBowl and graduate, but I also made lifelong friends---who have that same sense of hard-work, loyalty, and confidence that you had. 

After college graduation, I met a guy. I think you'd really like him if you were still here today. He's a very hard worker and loves his family with all his heart. He's funny, caring, and----maybe even a little stubborn; but that's ok! It makes life interesting. I finally found someone who can put up with me and my attitude. Shocking, isn't it?

He met me at one of my lowest points and still put in the effort to make me happy again. His name is Riley. From day one, he has taken good care of me. He even met our entire family in one weekend----and he DIDN'T RUN AWAY! All jokes aside, he fits in very well with everyone. We've been together for nearly 5 years now and I couldn't be happier.

A lot has happened since you left, but none have been more life-changing than what I'm about to tell you next. On November 18, 2021, Riley and I welcomed a beautiful baby girl into this world. Yes, you are a great-grandpa---in fact, you have been for quite some time now. About 12 years ago to be exact. You have three great-grandsons and one great-granddaughter. 

Her name is Stormee October Norman. She was 7 lbs. 1 oz. when she was born. She is now a little over a year old and is so full of love. She has big, beautiful blue eyes and a goofy personality. She loves to read books, watch movies, play with her toys, and make new friends. She loves to dance, and her favorite song is All-Star by Smashmouth. It's upbeat and makes her happy. It reminds her of one of her favorite movies, Shrek. 

As for her personality, she's very stubborn and set in her ways, just like her daddy; but, in a world like today's that trait will serve her well. She won't take no for an answer and won't let others push her around. She's silly and loves to make others laugh. Her smile lights up a room instantly.

In just one, short year of life, Stormee has taught me so many things---including, how to love unconditionally, even when others make it hard; to be present, because time is a thief; and to never give up, even though some days are harder than others. She is such a light in this dark world; and I know you'd be so proud of her already. 

Can you believe how much has changed? Maybe you can. Maybe you knew that this is what God had in store for us when you left this planet. I just wish he didn't have to take you before you got to experience life with your great-grandkids because they really are, well----great. Each one is special in his/her own way. 

And, although you are gone, you will never be forgotten. Those memories you left behind with us, will be shared for generations to come. You are still the prime example of how a person should live his/her life---and your great-grandkids will know exactly what you stood for because we will continue to share our memories with them. I promise to share those lessons with Stormee. She will know what it's like to work hard, to be loyal to her loved ones, and to be proud of where she comes from. It won't be easy, but with your support from above, we can do it. 

Someday we will meet again; and I can tell you more about this crazy thing we call life. I can tell you all about your great-granddaughter's milestones. Her graduation...her wedding...her children. Someday, there will be more milestones to celebrate. And I cannot wait to tell you all about it. Thank you for being the best guardian angel I could have ever asked for. 



BHS Graduation in 2014

SuperBowl 52 Crew

College Graduation 2018
Photo By: Destinee Jensen

November 18, 2021
Stormee October Norman


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