A Letter to My Daughter

Dear Stormee,

If you're reading this, I hope this letter finds you well-- regardless of where you are or what stage of life you are currently in. I wish I could tell you that the world you will grow up in is full of rainbows and sunshine 24/7, and that nothing bad ever happens---but I'd be lying. Although I wish you stay little and I could protect you forever---it's just not possible. So, I'd like to tell you a few things that I wish I had known earlier in my life. 

First thing is first. There will be trials and tribulations over the course of your lifetime. Things won't always go according to plan; and, when it doesn't, put your faith in the good Lord's hands. His plan is far better than we could ever anticipate. Trust the process and follow it. 

Before I had you, I thought I had the perfect life planned out for me and your father. We would get married, buy a house together, and both be advanced and established in our careers. But that didn't happen-----something better did. Instead, God gave me you. Now, I'll admit I was terrified when I first found out. I didn't know what to do, who to tell, or how to tell them. I didn't believe that I was cut out to be a mom. However, I was so wrong.

From the minute I met you, I climbed mountains that I never thought possible. I overcame post-partum depression (PPD), kept a tiny human (you) alive, and learned that my heart can hold so much more love than I ever imagined. You are seriously the best thing that has ever happened to me (and don't ever forget it).

My point in telling you all of this is not to scare you, but to prepare you. Life isn't always fun or fair. However, it's not what life throws at you that matters, but how you navigate its peaks and valleys. No matter what you do, always carry yourself with confidence. If you carry yourself with confidence, nothing will stand in your way. And always, always BE KIND.

Being kind is a very important trait to possess because you never know what kind of battle someone else is fighting. You could be the reason that they smile if you treat them the way you wish to be treated. When you see someone struggling don't stare. Don't point and laugh; instead, help them because they could be wrestling with depression. Why? Because society and social media are constantly reminding us of who we should be. It paints a false picture in our heads of what true happiness looks like. 

For example, when you are bored and scrolling through your newsfeed be self-aware. When you see that gorgeous model on Instagram or that happy couple on Facebook---please don't fall into the trap of comparison. It is the absolute thief of joy. Instead, be yourself. Be who you were made to be because you are one of a kind and beautifully made. The world needs more of your spunk, fire, and sense of humor because, without it, life would be boring. 

And finally, no matter what the world throws at you, depression and anxiety do NOT own you. And if times get tough, and you find yourself questioning this, mom and dad will always be here for you. You can tell us anything without a fear of judgement because we love you dearly. The world can be a cruel place, sweet girl, but it can also be quite beautiful; It just needs more people like you to bring forth the light. So please.... be brave, be kind, and be you. You will do great things!


your eternally grateful mama!

All Photos by: Destinee Jensen Photography


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